Lawn Mower Repair Referral Service

My Riding Lawn Mower Won’t Stay Running


If your riding lawn mower won’t stay running, that does mean that it will run so we can take a lot from that. If it does run that means the starter is working, it is getting fuel and spark and air into the engine.

Now that we know what it is doing, why won’t it stay running?

Let’s say that you mow for a while and then it slowly loses power and then dies. This would be an indication of a fuel problem and the engine is running out of fuel. It could be your fuel cap is not venting correctly or some debris is in the fuel filter or other reasons why it is running out of fuel.

If the lawn mower just suddenly dies, it most likely is an ignition problem. An ignition coil becomes hot and then it breaks down and quits working. Other ignition components can break down and quit working as well.

The best thing to do is to start looking for clues. Is the engine getting fuel? Is the engine getting spark? Does it restart after sitting for a while?

Troubleshooting is a process of elimination. If you need help with your riding lawn mower, visit our locations page today.

