Lawn Mower Repair Referral Service

My Lawn Mower Leaves Tire Tracks


One of the main reasons your lawn mower leaves tire tracks is that the ground is too saturated with water. The lawn will have to dry out more before you can mow. If it is soft to walk on or squishy, it is best to wait to mow.

Other reasons could be that your tire pressures are too high or too low. Check your owner’s manual to see what the tire pressures should be for your lawn mower. You could also be mowing too fast. Turning corners at a high rate of speed will tear up the lawn and leave tire tracks.

If you are using a Zero Turn lawn mower, speed, tire pressure and moving the sticks too fast can also cause tire tracks. Slow down and gently move the sticks through their paces and see if this corrects the problem. It takes a while to get used to how a Zero Turn operates and experience will teach you how to avoid leaving those tire tracks.

The type of tire and lack of tread can also cause the mower to slide when turning and make tire tracks in your yard. Be sure to have lawn type tires that have good tread on them.

These tips should help you correct that problem of your mower leaves tire tracks.

