Lawn Mower Repair Referral Service

Push Lawn Mower Hesitates in Tall Grass


Have you ever heard of the term “biting off more than you can chew?” Yes, you could have done that and waited too long for the grass to be cut or your lawn mower is not delivering the power that it should.

It is not uncommon for your lawn mower to experience bogging if the grass is too high. This is normal and you should not worry about that. On the other hand, if your grass is just slightly higher than normal and it bogs down, then you have a problem.

Before we go to thinking it is an engine problem, is your height of the lawn mower set where it should be? You should leave at least 1 3/4″ inches of grass when you cut it. You do not want to scalp the lawn as that is bad for the grass. Is your lawn mower blade sharp? This will bog down the mower in short order.

If all of those things are in good shape, then you have a power issue and will need to have it checked out to see what is causing this problem.

You can find a lawn mower repair shop in your area by visiting our Locations page for help.

