Husqvarna Riding Lawn Mower Repair Fort Collins CO

Are you seeking a professional Husqvarna riding lawn mower repair shop in the Fort Collins CO area? Is your riding mower in need of a tune-up or does it have other problems that require troubleshooting to figure out what is wrong with it? Lawn mowers break just like any other machine and maintaining them is what we do best.

The gasoline of today has ethanol added to it. This is a form of alcohol and over time it will attract moisture and then begin to break up into different chemicals. It dries up and plug the jets inside the carburetor and your lawn mower will no longer start or will surge while running. The carburetor will need to be cleaned or replaced to resolve this problem.

Fuel today begins to breakdown in 90 days so that gas you left in your lawn mower over the winter is already bad. The lighter parts of the gas will evaporate and make the fuel stale.

Lawn mowers can have many different problems besides carburetor issues. They can have problems with other systems such as electrical and transmission, tires and wheels.

Our shop can carefully inspect your lawn mower, diagnose and troubleshoot the problem and find the solution to it. We will then clean the carburetor or replace it if this is the problem. Our troubleshooting process will determine which parts are bad and how we will go about repairing the lawn mower. Just bring us your Husqvarna riding lawn mower and let us take expert care of it.

Husqvarna Riding Lawn Mower Repair in Fort Collins CO.




Cub Cadet Riding Lawn Mower Repair Fort Collins CO

Is your Cub Cadet mower not working properly? Is it hard to start or won’t start at all? Did you break a deck or drive belt? Does it make some strange noises that you cannot seem to locate?

Those are a couple of problems that we routinely see in the shop and can stop your Cub Cadet riding lawn mower in its tracks. But what will prevent these types of issues is having your lawn mower serviced each year. Each year your Cub Cadet riding lawn mower should be serviced.

Without the proper servicing each year, small problems can become large one and before long a breakdown will occur.  Preventive maintenance is the key to keeping your lawn mower cutting grass just like it should.

The spring tune-up is vital to a long and strong running lawn mower. Things like an oil change, air and fuel filter changes as well as lubricating the chassis are all items that must be accomplished. You can help by keeping the engine, deck and transmission clean of any grass clippings and other debris.

You can bring your riding lawn mower to our shop and let us check it out for you. Our lawn mower repair technicians can perform a diagnostic service to ensure that it is working as it should and will run stronger longer.

When you need Cub Cadet Riding Lawn Mower Repair in Fort Collins CO, call our shop or bring it by today!


Craftsman Riding Lawn Mower Repair Fort Collins CO

There are probably more Craftsman riding lawn mowers around the country than any other lawn mower. Sears has been selling this popular brand for a very long time and they continue to sell more each year. With such a strong brand in their name, they have sold many more than a lot of their competitors mowers combined.

Like many riding lawn mowers, having the regular maintenance scheduled and performed is the most important thing you can do. Like any other machine, parts will wear out and break and those need to be changed out with new ones from time to time. But those parts can also be replaced to make your lawn mower run great once again.

A good tune-up once a year will keep your engine running stronger for longer. It must include changing the oil and filter, changing the air and fuel filters, lubricating the chassis, inspecting the entire lawn mower and sharpening the blades at a minimum. It should also include checking the air pressure in the tires as part of that inspection.

With a great running lawn mower, your lawn will take less time to cut and will be easier on your lawn mower.

So when you need expert Craftsman Riding Lawn Mower Repair in  Fort Collins CO, call us or bring it by today!