Lawn Mower is Vibrating Excessively

You can really tell on a push mower if something is out of whack. When you start up the mower on a concrete surface and it wants to jump around rather than sitting in one place. This is a sign that something is out of balance. You could have hit something with the lawn mower blade and bent either the blade or the crankshaft on the mower. You could also have a cracked blade or a piece missing from it.

You could also have a loose lawn mower blade that is causing this vibration. It is something that is rotating and is not in proper alignment that causes it to vibrate excessively. This rotation will cause it to jump from side to side and can be dangerous if the mower gets out of control.

This vibration situation should be checked out as soon as possible to see what is causing it and a repair recommendation. A small engine repair shop can identify what this issue is and find a solution for you so that your lawn mower will be safe to operate once again.

Push Lawn Mower Engine is Moving on Deck

Occasionally we see this problem on a push mower and over time the engine bolts can loosen up to the point that the engine starts to move. The bolts can actually fall out as well. There are normally 4 bolts that hold the engine secure to the mower deck.

Loose bolts can also cause the engine to torque in the deck and that action can crack the engine sump cover. The sump cover is the lower part of the crankcase and their bolt holes that hold the engine to the deck are located in it. You can also over tighten these engine bolts and crack the sump cover, so be care of how much torque you apply to it.

The problem with finding loose engine bolts is that the deck is covered in grass and you cannot see them. Scrape the deck and find the engine bolts and check them for the proper torque. The lawn mower manufacturer should be able to provide the torque specs for them.

A loose lawn mower engine is a safety issue and needs to be corrected to keep your lawn mower working in a safe manner.