You are either thinking about it or you are going to make it happen. One way or another you are going to quit your day job eventually or you want to make some money on the side. I can understand that because that is exactly what I wanted when starting my own small engine business.
The problem I found out was there were plenty of service manuals you could buy to help you repair things, there just weren’t any books that would teach you how to actually run this type of business and make money doing these services.
So what did I do, I wrote my own! Fortunately for me I had 20 years of experience running other businesses and I drew from that experience to put together an easy to read and follow step by step book that would help you get your small engine repair business up and running faster and making more money than you would if you had to figure it all out on your own through trial and error.
Trial and error costs you money for each mistake that you make. You can only stay in business as long as you can afford those mistakes! And make them you will but you will also learn from them. A small business is filled with problems that can easily cost you thousands if you don’t figure out a solution to them.
Most people go out and buy some tools, tell a few friends that they are starting a business and maybe hang out a sign. That is an OK way to start but you will not get near the business you could if you marketing it correctly and sold your services in the right way. Leaving money on the table is a bad thing because this can be a seasonal business as most of the work is lawn mower related. You have to make as much money as you can during the busy season to help tide you over for winter.
“How to Start and Make Money in a Small Engine Repair Business” will help you get a jumpstart on your business and will show you how to get starting in the right direction. It covers setting up your business structure, insurance, sales, marketing, education and training, where to get parts, setting up your shop, accounting, taxes and one of the more important topics is what to say yes or no to.
An investment in your business start-up is one of the best investments you can make to help you avoid a catastrophe that you might not see coming. As I mentioned earlier, you can only stay in business as long as you can afford your mistakes.
When you purchase a copy of my book, you get a 6-month FREE listing on my National Referral Website at Lawn Mower Repair Service. Just look inside the front cover for how to get listed. Believe me, this will be the best $20 you spend on your new business!